Sunday, April 29, 2018

Khazars full video

Chyle Helm
Published on Feb 18, 2013
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"Adagio in G minor (1986 Remastered Version)" by Iona Brown/Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields/Sir Neville Marriner ( • )
Wow, this has been a real eye-opener. It really connect the dots for me.
Ernest Hogan
One minute they saying they Khazars, the next they still equating them to the original Jews. Make up your mind! In short, they are NOT the blood lineage of the original Hebrews. They are converts. They know it. And we know it. But the world through mostly evil and racial undertones accepts it. The original blood linage Hebrews are those whom you call African Americans, Latinos through the Mayans, Aztecs, Inca's, and Olmec's, west Indians, etc.
Jamal C
Revelation 2:9- I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty,(but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. The Book of the true chosen people of God says that those people in Israel right now calling themselves Jews are not Jews and calls them Satans people. Anyone who can read can read the Bible OT or NT and understand that it Says that the Messiah is going to bring the true children of Israel back into the land, NOT THE UNITED NATIONS. Also when true Israel is back in the land the world will know war no more. There has been nothing but death and destruction worldwide. They murder Palestinians everyday. I guess your saying the Bible is racist because it denounces them. And its throughout the Tora, Tanak, and New Test.
Mohammad Faizan
Jesus will be victorious...................................
Huszar 63
Talmud is more then enough reason that Jews were expelled from almost every country in time , now they sitting on people of America
Communism for the Goi and capitalism for the Jews They will block any revival we have in America. There will not be another true revival untill the threat is removed. Now we have Christian sell outs who are permitted by the Zionist masters of America.
Makiba Uboke
the khazars CONVERTED TO JUDAISM...not born into it.
Peter O
I think Mr Adolf Hitler was right, about a lot of World matters.
Alan Bowers
How do think the Rothschild's and Jacob and Schiff got their starter money? Josef Stalin and his merry band of Thieves, robbed a train headed for Russia; with its destination going to the Romanov family dynasty. The box cars were filled to the brim with gold bars. Thus, when they robbed them, they funneled that stolen bullion to their handlers and bankrolled the Communist/Leninist take over of Russia, let alone their psychological manipulative warfare, upon the unsuspecting goyim/shabazz goy. Read "The Thirteenth Tribe" by Arthur Koestler and "Behind Communism" by Frank L. Britton for starters
phuck y'all
Ashkenazi blood: slavic, greek, iranian(kurd), and Turkic. Not a drop of Semitic blood. They originated from north east Turkey
Zionists are evil....but not all Jews
Alys Falsia
A true Jew is bound by the the Holy Scriptures alone! He may consult the Talmud for reference and aid in understanding the faith but he is under obligation to Hashem for strict adherence to the Scriptures first and foremost!
Many, not all the Jews are fully aware of their Khazarian history. Some are more than willing to acknowledge and share the truth with gentiles, but they are considered "self hating Jews" by their brothers and sistets. And then there are the Jews who know the truth but will conceal their true history and accuse all who expose their deceit as antisemitic. Many Jews are oblivious of their Khazarian ancestry and blindly accept the faslse teachings passed down to them by their father's and will aggressively defend their fallacious entitlement of Palestine. The Jews must realise that this will never go away. More and more people all over ther world are becoming aware of their true history and will continue to talk and spread the truth. It would be ridiculous to excpect them to leave Palestine and resettle in the lands of their real ancestors. However, widespread acknowledgement and acceptance of the Palestinians and the African Hebrews from the Jews could improve relations between Israel and those who question Zionism.
Kwame Palavin
let us hear how come Christ Jesus from the Tribe of Judah is discribed in the KJV Bible as a Black man and the Entire Tribe of Judah is discribed as a Black Tribe and Christ Jesus said ' .. if u see me, you have seen the father ' , meaning he looked just like God his Father, Where do these European whites claiming to be Jewish came from ???? Espeacially sent to white nationalist christians and Racists in General !!!
Richard Wolff
true Israelites are the so called African-Americans
Skiff Nomad
If only the facts did not get in the way ... "...In the late 1970s I read what was then a recent book titled The Thirteenth Tribe, written by polymath Arthur Koestler, advancing a theory that today’s Ashkenazis descend not from the Holy Land but, rather, from Khazaria, a medieval Turkic empire in the Causasus region whose royals, caught between the rock of Islam and the hard place of Christendom, chose the politically expedient course of converting to Judaism. That hypothesis has become highly politicized, with some groups holding that Ashkenazis, who constitute half of Israel’s current population, are colonialist interlopers with zero historical claim to the land of Israel. - See more at: Plausible at the time, the Khazar-origin premise has crumbled under the onslaught of modern molecular genetics. The latest volley: a study published this week in Nature Communications. The study’s senior author, Stanford geneticist Peter Underhill, PhD, works in the lab of Carlos Bustamante, PhD, whose high-resolution techniques have highlighted the historical hopscotch of other migratory peoples. Underhill, Bustamante and their co-authors analyzed the Y chromosome – a piece of the human genome invariably handed down father-to-son – of a set of Ashkenazi men claiming descent from Levi, the founder of one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. (Names such as Levy, Levine and Levitt, for example, bespeak a Levite heritage.) If Ashkenazis were the spawn of Khazar royals, their DNA would show it. But those Y chromosomes were as Levantine as a levant sandwich. The same genetic “signature” popped up on every Levite sampled (as well as a significant number of non-Levite Ashkenazis), strongly implying descent from a single common ancestor who lived in the Fertile Crescent between 1,500 and 2,500 years ago. That signature is absent in the Y chromosomes of modern European non-Jewish men, and in male inhabitants of what was once Khazaria."
Ancient Indigenous One
Khazars are not really Jews that is true.
Ira Tri
is this guy and his family all alive??? thank you for this great documentary, so much guts to expose the true evil of zionism.
Denesia McCureay Barbecho
Sounds a lot like the Qur'an
israel is worse than nazi
Reid Iford
There is no historical accuracy to this.

Jews worship Saturn..........Our God and there are 2 different beings

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