Friday, April 13, 2018

How the Belt and Road Became the 'Project of the Century'

How the Belt and Road Became the 'Project of the Century'




LaRouchePAC Videos
Published on Jul 26, 2017

EIR's Bill Jones address to the Schiller Institute's Spanish-language webcast, "The Belt and Road Initiative Opens a New Era for Humanity," on Saturday, July 22, 2017. Live participants included groups from Mexico,  Guatemala, Peru, Colombia, Spain and Queens, New York. Jones gives a comprehensive overview of the last 30-year histories of both the US and China, and how the Belt and Road has evolved into the mega, project of the century that it is today.
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 Auggie Giuseppe
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China is for business, US is for war.
The problem is not convincing the Europeans. The problem is the US pressuring the EU.
Bob Tong
Have you not heard of " ALL ROADS LEADS TO CHINA " !!!!
Steve Yang
I propose Nobel Peace price to honor Mr. Xi's initiative and accomplishments to humanity.
s c
India and the US are envious of China. They are ganging up on China. No use. Sour grapes will die on the vine. Another thing. Both are also basket cases.
Puerto J
Excellent presentation. Very factual without the usual US media spinning.
Kong Man Hong
Three countries refused to join, namely USA, Japan & India.
Gordon Sek
CHINESE TEACHINGS says harmonious livings through Smart Win-Win Partnership will bear beautiful and happy fruits for all as we are all interrelated. Thank you Bill Jones for your understanding and support of the Belt and Road Initiative launched by China President Xi Jin Ping
Boon Heng Ong
I am certain China is expecting a lot of flak from the Empire for this OBOR initiative.
Azad Persad
This is the most refreshing video in a very long time,hope the one percent don't throw a spanner in the works.
China did not create the ancient Silk Road it was the west and Middle East that wanted trade trade with Chinsa for the silk and porcelains. It went into decline because of the development of maritime trade routes and colonizations. Now the high speed trains make long distant travel and transport of goods easier and speedier. The development of the new Silkroad is the next logical steps. China is in a position to be the leader because of its wealth and its proficiency in infrastructure. But it is a huge project it needs contributions and cooperations of all the participant nations on route.That is why it is a win-win world project. The five landlocked stens countries should benefit the most because of their central location as well as rich in resources and favorable demography. Eventually distant Africa will also link up. I fervently hope elimination of world poverty would eventually makes military conflicts less attractive.
morib guy
If one considers the reality of the current scenario, the West seems unable to decide what it should do. Growth has shifted to outside the West; essentially in the Far East and ASEAN. The trade between ASEAN +3 has been maintained over the past two decades and is projected to handle some two-thirds of container volume by 2025. Now that Russia is being set upon by the West, Putin has engineered self-sufficiency in agricultural products with surplus for sales to China. This has literally ensure the success of the China-Eu railway services which could not get enough volume for the back haul from EU to China. Though the volume from Russia covers only some two-thirds of the railway journey; at least it has contributed part of the operations. Now that Russia has prohibited GMO produces, the rising middle class in Asia will look towards this source of supply. Of course once the logistics of the C.I.S group is ready, Australia may have to seek new market for her ores and coal. In such scenario, it makes better sense if all players come together to ensure their interests can be taken care of! The basic issue is the readiness of those countries to accept a change towards open trade which will lift up all ships like a rising tide!
I think it can be done with MOST of the World... However, I CAN NOT SEE America Nor The European Union condoning or being a part of a World without War and Domination as a solution.. Be it Race Wars, or Economic Wars. They WILL NOT Be willing to give up what has made them as Powerful as they are... I see only (TWO) solutions to solving the problem...(1) Isolate The Western Governments from The Rest Of The World IF They refuse to Cooperate.(2) Forcing The Western Governments To Cooperate BY WAR so as to continue moving forward in Human Growth and Development in a More Harmonious Fashion... WITHOUT WARS AND POVERTY... I see no other way...
Philip W
This belt and road are not making much sense. Why they completely bypass Pakistan, their biggest ally? Why the maritime silk road will have a port in India, which recently had severe conflicts with China? Lastly, why go a big circle to Moscow, then back to other Europe countries? That's when I see a detail plan: I finally grasped the large scale of it. It was not just one belt and one road. It was really a world changing super-hub plan.
Bin Qasim
OBOR gonna screw INDIOTS very hard
Gabriel 1
China has in the past been criticized for not stepping up on the global stage as a new superpower. This will quiet the pundits.
Edward Dorham
What will Western powers do? If past history is any precedent we can look at what happened when the U.S. attempted to expand the American System to the world. The response from the Empire was World Wars.
Felix Yang
Who is this lecturer? Anybody know ?
Mike Bula
USA army and politicians love war as it makes them rich
taino xaragua
god bless China, I always love the Chinese people. China was created by god. the Chinese president is the most peaceful president and smart president in our life time. god china.
John Willy
China means business and China will make it happen. US is just history.. its just the way life goes. Future countries which would be THE Best for investment would be... China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Central Asian

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