Friday, February 9, 2018

Rethinking Putin: A Talk by Professor Stephen F. Cohen

Rethinking Putin: A Talk by Professor Stephen F. Cohen




The Nation
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 Auggie Giuseppe
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Drew Hunkins
Drew Hunkins
3 weeks ago
'Russiagate' and all this Russophobic hysteria is one of the biggest frauds the mainstream media have ever perpetrated against the American public.  Historians will look back in awe at this time period.  That otherwise many decent and smart liberal folks are falling for all the snake-oil is truly tragic.  Thanks to Stephen Cohen, Robert Parry, Diana Johnstone, John Pilger, James Petras, Mike Whitney, Paul Craig Roberts, Michael Parenti, Glen Ford (and a few others I'm forgetting at the moment) who dare to speak and write the truth when the liberal group-think is blathering in their faces.
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 M.K. Styllinski
M.K. Styllinski
3 weeks ago
Refreshing antidote to Anglo-American propaganda.

2 weeks ago
Thank you god, a breath of fresh air! Between this and Oliver Stone's own interview I can say for certainty that we need calm the fuck down. Seriously, calm down and talk to Russia, a friendly Russia is a hell of an accomplishment. However with our 'boogeyman' needed for our massive 'budget', I don't see this getting too far to ignorant sheep. Though I hope for the best, I think it's too late for us to think things will change that quickly.

I hope I'm wrong because this is one of those things I want to bring our world away from total destruction.
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Drew Hunkins
Drew Hunkins
3 weeks ago
It's real simple folks, the reason Putin's being demonized and vilified in the entire Western establishment press is b/c: 1.) he's the leader of a powerful INDEPENDENT sovereign state that refuses (to a relative degree) to genuflect to Wall Street and the militarist-Zionists, 2.) Putin's putting Russia in a prime spot to be an important player in the emerging "New Silk Road" which will be -- to a certain extent -- a competing economic bloc versus the Western Wall Street/London parasitic financial elite, 3.) he's the personification of an excuse as to why the DNC lost to a candidate as dreadful as Trump, 4.) the vilification of Putin really ramped up in 2013 when Putin stepped in at the last moment and talked Obama down from bombing Damascus to remove Assad.  The Zionist Power Configuration in Washington greatly desired the removal of Assad.  They had Obama all set to bomb Damascus but Putin stepped in at the last moment with some valuable diplomacy and essentially talked Obama down from a sociopathic move to bomb Assad out of power.  When Putin went against the wishes of the Washington militarists and Zionists he immediately became enemy  number one -- they wanted Assad gone!   Yes, Putin bashing was going on prior to 2013, but it increased tenfold once Putin put together this incredibly worthwhile bit of diplomacy in 2013 that saved the world from ISIS/alQeada/alNusra/Daesh/alSham/Wahabi/Takfiri violent lunacy taking over an entire state in the Middle East.  Because that's exactly what would have happened: the removal of Assad in '13 would have meant the Saudi-Zio supported terror network ascends to power in Damascus!
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Chris & Tian
Chris & Tian
3 weeks ago (edited)
Stephen Cohen is a brave man, an intelligent man, who knows he is the expert within the USA on Russia so he based his views on knowhow. Please dont compromise with the disquesting corrupt fakemedia Stephen! Youre view is correct!
You cant say it, i will. Vladimir Vladimirowich Putin is the best statesman in this century, he now equals Bismarck at least.
The man has on his own saved the Russian Federation for a total collaps, what would have been a disaster for the entire world.
Imagine Russia in a state as Libia is in today, with much more different groups or parties who would have acces to nuclear and all other kinds of weaponery.
The west should respect Putin he deservess that at least. Do we rather have this:
Putin's Warning: Full Speech 2016. No MSM reported this. That is not only shamefull, its treason.
Paer of our media is one of the biggest enemies we face here in the west, together with the political, financial and corporate establishment. These are the ones who create the dangerous situation, wich is still developing, much more than Putin is.
Ever seen one of the US presidents do this, a conference where the public wich are for the most normal citicens, and media can ask the president questions on every item they want.
Lets face it: Putin is fun:
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Jonathan Cook
Jonathan Cook
3 weeks ago
Where's the rest of it Youtube?  Or has part 2 been de-listed?

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 Tehacjusz Rollanddestroy
Tehacjusz Rollanddestroy
1 week ago
the video does not show for me when searching for Stephen F. Cohen's videos. I had to use a link from Off-Guardian.  I think it's time to find an alternative to youtube.

User Name
User Name
3 weeks ago
Fine lecture, this. Thanks.

Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand
1 week ago
Stephen Cohen is #1 Kremlin shill in America. To him Putinist imperialism is fine as it goes along with his pet project, which is Russia. What a leftist!

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2 weeks ago
Isn't The Nation to blame for this video being Unlisted? Isn't this something determined by the uploader?

Janina Simons
Janina Simons
3 weeks ago
+The Nation     JUST CURIOUS,   where is the rest of the lecture?????   20 mins missing by Mr Cohne time?????

Silver Fox
Silver Fox
2 weeks ago
Left in America smart people )))

3 weeks ago
I like the Professor but he should mention more about the nuclear situation.

2 weeks ago
Come on, BBC - interview somebody like THIS for a change, instead of all those tired anti-Putin, anti-Mother Russia hacks, State Department streetwalkers, and James Bond fantasists.

Oh, I forgot: you don't 'do' Editorial Impartiality or Real Journalism any more. If we start INFECTING the People with the Truth, it might start a pandemic.........................
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2 weeks ago
I Like Stephen Cohen…but I regret I wasted thirty minutes on this. (If you haven't watched, you could skip the first 6 minutes, nothing is said) – This talk is meek, vapid and almost "apologetic"…why? – ..because he is talking to a bunch of fake progressive, arrogant The Nation-readers…? – I don't know, I would never read The Nation (although at times I know I am reading stuff that is also published in The Nation) – …he says "the reputation he acquired", "he" meaning Putin – how can he say such a thing…? That is downright mendacious and utterly unfair.
I understand Cohen might be afraid of talking to (idiot) "Americans", but…don't do it then, it serves no good…"Americans" can't be reached. You can see them inside the bubble, but they can't see you and they don't want to see you…
I recently heard Putin himself making a joke about having been a KGB agent, but who are Americans to disparage that..? They elected to highest office an ex-leader of the CIA! The most criminal organization on the planet….
I also read an account by an "American" female who had met with Putin in St. Petersburg long before he became President of Russia…very interesting read and she was very impressed the local official she then had to deal with (in her activities in that town)
…no…watch Oliver Stones documentary instead, skip this cringe-worthy non-event...
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