Saturday, February 10, 2018

Putin Bans Rothschilds From Russia WAR ON NWO and Illuminati HAS BEGUN!

Михаил Сараев
Михаил Сараев
1 year ago
Kissinger lose.

Vitomir Milosevic
Vitomir Milosevic
1 year ago
This man is a criminal.

Bardan McGuire
Bardan McGuire
11 months ago
"I am Doctor Killinger and this is my magical murder bag" - Killinger

240 Volts
240 Volts
1 year ago (edited)
Now it is "international order"  oh never mind it is still "new world order" near the end of the video.
Why isn't that war criminal in cuffs?

Lowell Eating
Lowell Eating
1 year ago
yo can someone subtitle this, Kissinger voice is so old and german that I can barely hear him

Curtis Lilly
Curtis Lilly
10 months ago
my grandfather told me this my grandfather's afraid of nothing but this old man scares him for some reason

1 year ago
After so much destruction and division in Europe, created by your so selfish and greedy policy YOU are asking Which Europe Now???  You are asking if we need Europe ??? Go to the roots of stability, respect, value.
 Insulting and manipulating countries and artificially creating problems for them, destroying the independency and freedom of countries and people is not the solutions. Stop fighting and start cooperating with real people. Your representatives are working for more than 20 years, achieving just disasters, poverty, hate, sufferance  allover. Yes you are responsible for the pain, poverty, illusion and finally you are distorting the planet with this GOD godless attitude. You are not Gods.Just wake up!

Norman Oro
Norman Oro
1 year ago (edited)
Despite his years, Henry Kissinger is still a brilliant man with a very clear world view, as well as frameworks for approaching global problems. I agree with most of what he said. With respect to Russia, however, I think he may be cutting the Russian government too much slack. Of course, I think peace is preferable to conflict, but not at any price. I believe there's a reason why so many world leaders, both here in the United States and abroad, are concerned about Russian influence. Aside from apparent Russian interference with elections in the United States, there's also the Russian annexation of Crimea. Certainly, there were other avenues for Russia to show that it's still relevant on the world stage. Peace is better than conflict; however, I think it's wise to at least keep one's guard up in light of the Russian government's actions. As for the Middle East and Europe, I think Henry Kissinger's analysis is very reasonable (these are all just my opinions; of course, Dr. Kissinger has probably forgotten more about statecraft than I know). Hopefully, the structures that have more or less contained, resolved or mediated conflicting interests among nations over the past decades can be upgraded while new structures can be put in place as needed.

Curtis Lilly
Curtis Lilly
10 months ago
you guys are brave for those comments this old guy is the one pulling the strings him and his buddies are the ones that set it all up he sent Obama in to destroy us Within Bush already made the framework Clinton's a patsy and this guy killed Kennedy or at least voted yes do some history

Glenn B
Glenn B
9 months ago
it's like two James bond villains....

gonzoman66 adventures
gonzoman66 adventures
8 months ago
he should be in jail!!!!!

M. Timmerbeil
M. Timmerbeil
1 year ago
regarding (surpassed) fiftieth anniversaries: in 1961 kissinger (under JFK) launched the most destructive and murderous act of aggression of the post-World War II period, namely the invasion of South Vietnam and later all of indochina (North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) leaving millions dead and four countries devastated.

-national security advisor kissinger´s order read as follows: "anything that flies on anything that moves".

(Noam Chomsky - Who rules the world?)

Richard Drenka
Richard Drenka
1 year ago
why I have feeling that without this man (very nicely said) the world will be much further in its progress towards global community?

Phil Smith
Phil Smith
10 months ago
Dr Evil is giving this pitch to Rex Tillerson today. Trump should beware his Secretary of State may be turned by the NWO.

m z
m z
9 months ago
It was called the Atlantic Charter   The Charter stated the ideal goals of the war – no territorial aggrandizement; no territorial changes made against the wishes of the people, self-determination; restoration of self-government to those deprived of it; reduction of trade restrictions; global cooperation to secure better economic and social conditions for all; freedom from fear and want; freedom of the seas; and abandonment of the use of force, as well as disarmament of aggressor nations   
The eight principal points of the Charter were:
no territorial gains were to be sought by the United States or the United Kingdom;
territorial adjustments must be in accord with the wishes of the peoples concerned;
all people had a right to self-determination;
trade barriers were to be lowered;
there was to be global economic cooperation and advancement of social welfare;
the participants would work for a world free of want and fear;
the participants would work for freedom of the seas;
there was to be disarmament of aggressor nations, and a post-war common disarmament.
Although Clause Three clearly states that all peoples have the right to decide their form of government, it fails to say what changes are necessary in both social and economic terms, so as to achieve freedom and peace.[9]

3 months ago
Dr. Kilinger.  USA is a Jew property.

9 months ago
I feel like most people have no idea about international politics whenver they're criticising Kissinger

2 months ago

9 months ago
People who talk shit about Henry Kissinger should go back to the commune

Lance Pickell
Lance Pickell
8 months ago
The individuals in these YouTube comments are the same people who voted for trump. People who are fooled by political showmanship. This man Kissinger fought in WW2 liberated concentration camps, went to Harvard and has done a lot for the US. You crazy conspiracy nut jobs are too dumb to see just how much Asia has changed for the better, just how much we dominated communism, just how much Americas place as super power in the world is a directly attributed to this mans deep understanding of history and poli sci

1 year ago
How is this war criminal still alive?

Lance Pickell
Lance Pickell
8 months ago
Advisors aren't responsible for the actions of their advises

Lance Pickell
Lance Pickell
8 months ago
Asia has gone from third world to first, we beat communism, and the US is dominate in the world. We have the United Nations, the world bank, NATO has spread to more than half of the world. I plead that your conspiracy nut jobs actually look into this guy and see the positive things this guy has done

Viktar Zhurauliou
Viktar Zhurauliou
1 year ago
Henry is exiting man and with President Trump on the field it is only add more interest for him and his activities. And we keep in mind #HillaryFor2020 - with third attempt she will be very strong President. :-) (y)

Jonathan Seagull
Jonathan Seagull
1 year ago
Hey folks, vote this video down...its called digital voting!

1 year ago (edited)

H Paul
H Paul
5 months ago
In a world where 1% of the world's population owns 40% of the planets wealth, In a world where 34,000 children die every single day from poverty and preventable diseases and where 50% of the world's population live on less than two dollars a day, one thing is clear “Something is Wrong"

My Name I.C.
My Name I.C.
8 months ago
ooohhh so this is what the devil  sounds like....interesting

Y Liu
Y Liu
1 year ago (edited)
Western, especially USA, is just like him, becomes an aging person. He or his country could not maintain or manage themselves because they and their mindset are not energetic and physically strong enough to adapt nowadays fast world changing. For example, he even still believes Russia could cooperate with his Cold War mindset to contain China, a positive force to the world peace and economical development.

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