Monday, February 12, 2018

Feb. 8, 2018: China: Safer than you think? | Faster trade route links Ch...

Feb. 8, 2018: China: Safer than you think? | Faster trade route links China and Europe




Published on Feb 8, 2018

In the Travel Risk Map 2018 released late last year, China's travel security risk received a rating of “low," in a category second only to some Northern European countries such as Iceland and Norway. How safe is China? With a population of 1.3 billion people, how has China managed to achieve this level of safety? Quentin Albert from Paris, owner of a social media video channel called Xinshidandan, and Liu Yunyun, Assistant Editor and Chief Commentator of the weekly periodical Beijing Review joined The Point.

Beijing hosted an international conference on a Trans-Caspian trade and transit corridor. Offering a faster solution and lower price, this is the third trade route connecting China and Europe. How are the countries involved looking to benefit from the project? Rufat Mammadov, President of Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO), and David Javakhadze, Deputy Head of Transport and Logistics Development Policy Department of Ministry of Economy & Sustainable Development of Georgia, shared their views.

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 Auggie Giuseppe
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SK Wong
SK Wong
3 days ago
Choose : Freedom Vs Safety, it’s not that China do not have freedom, just not to the extent of the West (freedom to shoot, haha).

Ben Wong
Ben Wong
3 days ago
I must correct the Chinese commentator on her comments regarding the Bible - I think she does not really understand and have taken statements out of context. This is true also of the vast majority of the so called Christians in the US. An "Eye for an eye" is from the Old Testament. When Christ came he gave us 2 greatest commandments that supercede all others , 1 - Love God, ans 2 - Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Christ said he had fulfilled all the legalistic demands of the Old Testament and Christian follows Christ's teaching. Rhe "Golden Rule" is the same basic law in all of us and it demonstrate an objective morality that come from above. Christian are non-violent because Christ told his disciples to put down their swords even as the Roman and Jews were taking him away to die on the cross. In the West many people call themselves Christians but their relative morals and actions indicates otherwise.

Ben Wong
Ben Wong
3 days ago
On Safety threats. There is domestic crime and terrorist crime. Terrorism arises from Blowback to a country's imperialism.  Domestic crime has to do with national character and culture. Most critical factors are the  character and culture of the citizens. Laws are only effective when citizens chose to obey them. When there is a law the vast majority chooses not to obey governments are powerless unless they are willing to sacrifice their citizens in the name of the law. This is different from a law agreed to by  society  but it is not enforced due to lack of societal  moral and ethical character . This is the problem in US society today - the objective morals and ethics have been replaced by relative values of  narcissistic individualism otherwise known as the "me too" ideals. This narcissism have removed societal controls such as "shame", desire to uphold personal honor, and fear of justice from a higher authority.  The  general character of the Chinese is harmony through give and take. Perhaps this characteristic was partially responsible for the 100 years of humiliation. The American character is opposite where winning is now the most celebrated characteristics. One can see this in US worship of professional sports.

Mèo Tôm
Mèo Tôm
3 days ago (edited)
😁😁 nice 真好。

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